3 Steps to Enrollment:

  1. Complete the form below and click "submit"
  2. Complete payment for practice entry
  3. (optional) Complete payment for jackpot entry if you wish to enter the student in the jackpot *student must be entered in the practice to be entered in the jackpot

Step 1: Entry Form

*entry will not count until payment is received (located below)

Step 2 & 3: Practice/Jackpot Payment

*student MUST be entered in the practice to be entered in the jackpot


How does the jackpot work/what does the entry include?

If the student is enrolled in the jackpot, we will take the best score out of their two rides. If they do not wish to ride their second sheep, we will automatically take the score from their first ride.

The winners will be announced at the end of round 2. Prizes will be awarded for 1st through 3rd place.

What does the practice entry include?

The practice entry includes 2 rides on 2 sheep.

*there will be no refunds for single rides

Contact form